sanitizing or disinfecting a used couch is an important part of regular cleaning of a couch. Specially if you are fond of collecting garage things, you would have get a used couch. But how to disinfect a used couch before using it is a big question. Don’t worry, we are here with a complete guide for disinfecting a used couch and using it again happily. Cleaning a used couch before bringing it in is a must, otherwise you may be a host for unwanted germs, pests and unpleasant smell.
Preparation to Disinfect a Used Couch
When you bring a used couch home, it may emerge an unpleasant smell and invisible germs in it. To disinfect a used couch as well as clean it like new you don’t need to be a professional. A beginner with some effective tools and materials can clean it like a Pro. There are simple steps to disinfect a used couch, make it sanitary and odor free again like new. Before that you need to prepare some materials and tools.
Materials You Need
Vacuum cleaner & Broom
You need a high quality vacuum cleaner, for you would need to vacuum your couch several times to get rid of all dust and debris. A fine brush or a broom is needed to gather the dust and debris particles.
Soft cloth & Spray Bottle
You will need a soft cloth to clean the couch with soap. And to clean the stains. To treat hard and old stains you will need a clean sponge, with which you can scrub the couch fabric. To mix a cleaning solution, a disinfecting spray and for a fragrant spray you will need a spray bottle.
Baking soda & White Vinegar
Baking soda is an amazing antifungal property holder. If you sprinkle some baking soda and leave it for 10 minutes before vacuuming any fabric, results will amaze you. White vinegar can disinfect as well as clean the hard stains. You have to mix it with some water part.
Rubbing Alcohol & Mild Detergent
Some special types of couch fabrics does not hold white vinegar and show some reaction, for that You need to use rubbing Alcohol for stain removal. Any mild and light detergent or a light soap would do the thing. you just need it for disinfection of used couch.
Disinfectant Wipes
To make cleaning solution you need some Luke warm water. It will result into a shiny cleaning process. As there is matter of disinfectant wipes, these are totally optional, But if you have them with you that is well and good.
Tea Tree Oil / Bugs Spray
It is also a disinfector, also used to remove unpleasant smell from fabrics. As we talk about bug spray, even it is optional to use, but we recommend it to disinfect a used couch and for any hidden bugs or insects.
Process For Disinfection

Safety Measurements
To start this process, make sure your safety measures are complete. Like A face mask, hand gloves to prevent any touch or inhale or allergic Mold spores, germs, or dust. Always check for the cleaning instruction label on the couch if there is none, check for the brand name and website and check for their cleaning instructions.
First of all, Clean all the dust with a broom and spread the baking soda on the couch, leave it for 20-30 minutes to set. Now start the vacuum with an attached hose and vacuum the couch. Collect all the baking soda. Make sure to vacuum the inner corners, gaps and backrest of the couch very well.
Vacuum The Couch
If there are armrests on the couch make sure to vacuum them twice as they are the most dirty party of a couch. Vacuum the sofa thoroughly and brush off the excess baking soda. Now check for the Situation, if there is no more dust or dirt on the couch you can proceed to next step.
Stain Removal
Scrub The hard Stains
Before getting the couch wet with soap, pre-treat the stains if any. If the stains are too hard and old, take sponge and scrub the dried grime. Now dip the sponge in water and scrub clean the stain. It is important to pre-treat the stains. If they spread on the whole couch they also can cause a fabric damage or decolorization of the couch.
DIY Cleaning Solution
Mix the warm water with a little of soap or liquid detergent, just 2-3 drops and clean the stain. Use rubbing alcohol for hard stains, mix it with 1/2 part water &1/2 part rubbing alcohol. Spray it on the effected area and scrub it. Always check for the fabric damage.
Test On The Fabric
For this take a small hidden area of the couch ( on the bottom back) and apply the solution. Leave it for some time and then clean it as usual. If there are no fabric damages you can use it for stain removal. If rubbing alcohol shows some reaction with fabric, you can use only soap water. Or use cleaning solutions available on home stores.
Preparing the Disinfectant Solution

Of course, you can buy a cleaning and disinfecting solution at store, but we are here to help you with how to make your own disinfecting solution? To prepare solution you should mix following ingredients in a large spray bottle. This solution can be used on almost every fabric and wood surface. So, it will help to clean furniture and other home accessories.
Make Your Own Disinfecting Solution
Mix 1 part water, 1 part white vinegar, 2 table spoon rubbing alcohol, 10-20 drops lemon essential oil and 15-20 drops of tea tree oil. Lemon essential oil will also work as bug spray and as a disinfectant, white vinegar and dishwashing soap or any mild detergent will help to clean the surface. While tea tree oil will help to disinfect as well as cancel the unpleasant fragrance from the couch.
Disinfect a Used Couch
So, your disinfectant and cleaning solution is ready and you have already cleaned the surface of couch. Now you need to wipe clean the couch and disinfect it. For this process, follow some techniques and tips from below. Take a soft cloth or wipe, spray the cleaning solution on the couch, scrub it a little then wipe it.
Fabric Texture Does Matter
If couch fabric is leather you only need to spray and wipe off the liquid. But if it is made of cotton, linen, polyester, you need to vacuum this liquid and dry the couch properly. As well as if the fabric is velvety or any plushie fabric you need to wipe off liquid and sun dry the couch properly, so it does not grow Mold, Mildew or any fungus on it.
Bug Spray
After you disinfect your couch thoroughly, spray a bug repellent solution, easily available in the market to avoid any pest infestations. If you have any pets at home make sure the bug spray is safe for that pet. It is an optional thing because lemon essential oil and tea tree oil can also work like a bug repellent.
Odor Removal

Odors Before And After Washing
Before and after drying your couches properly, you need to double check for any unpleasant smell emerging from couch. Our first step spreading baking soda should kill any bad smell. But if it is still there after a proper dry you need to repeat the step.
Moisture Can Cause Bad Smell
For this process, dry the couch properly, and check for any moist area on the couch, cushion and inner gaps, because moist leads to a type of bacteria which hosts the damp place and emerge an unpleasant smell.
Kill Bacteria To Prevent Mold
Also this can be the first step of Mold growth. If there are any moist places, dry them in an open air place. Sun light almost kills all type of bacteria while drying the fabric properly. Now if there is still some smell you feel, repeat the process. Spread a good amount of baking soda and leave it for some time like 20-30 minutes.
Vacuum Properly
Then vacuum the couch 2-3 times to get rid of all the baking soda. Ask for some professional help if you still feel an unpleasant smell, as this indicates to a deeper moist or Mold problem which may be hidden.
Steam Cleaning

Clean The Home
Steam cleaning a couch is an important part for stain removal, disinfection, deep cleaning and hard stain and smell removing. Many of the good steam cleaner are available in the market. You can also ask for a professional help to steam clean your furniture, rugs, carpets and house.
Easy And Effective Stain Removal
Steam cleaning makes it easy for soften up the stains. And for dirt & dust to get removed more easily. You have to plug in the steamer and clean all the hidden and inner parts of a couch. If you don’t have a steam cleaner or a professional help, you can DIY it.
A Hack For DIY Steam Clean
For this process, You have to boil some water, take a pan lid and cover the water. Wrap a soft and clean towel cloth around the lid carefully, and steam clean the couch by scrubbing the towel lid on the fabric. If you have leather couch, inner parts and seat gaps have to be steam cleaned.
Quick Tips to Prevent Further Damage
Maintain A Cleaning Routine
Make sure to adopt a regular cleaning routine. Once in a month, deep clean your furniture with all the mentioned process. Vacuum your furniture regularly. If there are any accidental spills and stains, make sure to treat them right this instant. Don’t delay or ignore any stains. You can use portable heaters to dry them faster.
Prevention From Mold
Make sure to keep your furniture in a ventilated area, or refresh it in open air once in a week. Fluff Out the fabric and cushions evenly after every wash and wringing. Make sure to dry couch properly to avoid Mold, Mildew and fungal growth. As it can be dangerous for health and property.
Sun Light Or Bug Spray?
Sunlight is very important to avoid bacteria and fungus growth, Keep your furniture, slipcovers, cushions into sunlight once in a month to keep it safe and dry. Make sure to use slipcovers for protection on the couch. Use bug spray weekly to avoid hidden pests infestation. Use tea tree oil, lemon essential oil for fragrance and antifungal properties.
To disinfect a used couch you would need a proper deep clean procedure for a couch. Start with Baking soda sprinkle and vacuum it thoroughly. Stain removal and pre treating the spills is necessary to clean.
Scrub the hard stains with cleaning solution. Make sure to test the cleaning and disinfecting solution for proper result. You can make your own disinfecting solution, that is very best for sensitive fabrics. Steam cleaning can shine your couch like new and disinfect it to the core.
Frequently Asked Questions
You need to soften up the stains with warm water before regular wash. Remove stains before cleaning couch, use vinegar and rubbing alcohol solution to clean the stain.
Avoid using the couch while you are sweating. Do not bring your food to the couch, but if in anyways your couch get stingy smell, use tea tree oil or lemon essential oil to get rid of smell. Steam clean your couch every once in a while.
Clean and disinfect your couch regularly. For a deep cleaning routine, mix a disinfectant solution with vinegar, rubbing alcohol and dish soap. Clean your couch after vacuuming it.
Fabrics should be used according to your need and season. Cotton and polyester are best for affordable and good looking transformation. Also they are very breathable and comfortable.